

Heroin is an opioid drug most commonly used as a recreational medication for its euphoric effects. Medically it is used in several countries to relieve pain or in opioid replacement therapy.

Molecular Formula: C21H23NO5
Average mass: 369.411 Da
Molecular weight: 369.4 g/mol
Monoisotopic mass: 369.157623 Da
ChemSpider ID: 4575379


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What is heroin?

Buy Heroin online, Heroin is a very addictive drug made from morphine, a psychoactive (mind-altering) substance taken from the resin of the seed pod of the opium poppy plant. Heroin’s color and look depend on how it is made and what else it may be mixed with. It can be white or brown powder, or a black, sticky substance called “black tar heroin.Heroin vendor

Heroin is part of a class of drugs called opioids. Other opioids include some prescription pain relievers, such as codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

How Heroin is Used

Heroin is mixed with water and injected with a needle. It can also be sniffed, smoked, or snorted. People who use heroin sometimes combine it with other drugs, such as alcohol or cocaine (a “speedball”), which can be particularly dangerous and raise the risk of overdose. buy cheap heroin online.


Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants grown in:• Mexico, South America, Southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma)), and Southwest Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Heroin comes in several forms, primarily white powder from Mexico and South America; and “black tar” and brown powder from Mexico.

What are common street names?

Common street names for heroin include: Big H, Black Tar, Chiva, Hell Dust, Horse, Negra,
Smack, and Thunder

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